
Thursday, January 26, 2017

A Review of 30 Minute Backlinks SEO Marketing Course

Submitted by: Brian Garvin

If you're a website owner, you most likely have been getting bombarded with information about how important it is to be at the top of the search engine results pages. Even if you haven't, we're here to tell you that it's true. The only question is how do you go about taking on a daunting task such as this one? Well, according to the 30 Minute Backlinks course, they have all the information you'll need to be successful.

They also claim that this can be done in as little as thirty minutes, hence the name 30 Minute Backlinks. Do we believe them? Not yet. However, because of the interesting notion and how beneficial this could be if it worked, we decided to see what else we could find regarding their SEO marketing course. The end result was intriguing to say the least.

Watching The Video Tutorials

As soon as you get to their sales page, be sure to watch the short video regarding their product. Even if you don't get a true feeling of everything going on yet, you'll still notice the quality of the tutorials that you'll actually receive when you get involved with them. Once you look right below, you'll even see a testimonial regarding how well they are formatted (even though they spelled "wondered" wrong).

The Benefits In Using This 30 Minute Backlinks System

One thing to realize is that these are all video tutorials. So you will get to see first hand what exactly to do in order to be successful in this area. There are five key points that you'll benefit from when watching the 30 Minute Backlinks course. The first deals with learning how to submit your links to directories. According to their sales page, this will be done in a way where the directories are forced to link to you as well.

Second, you'll be able to make as many of these as you wish, and as the sales page says, "compound your results." The other three deal with having complete control over what you produce, an easy to use point-and-click system, and most importantly each one only takes about a half hour to make and submit. We imagine that once you're comfortable with the system, it may take less time as more and more are done.

The Six Things You Won't Need

While the benefits are important, the stuff you won't need to do or get with this program. You won't have to worry about reciprocal links, you won't have to pay someone to write content and come up with article titles either.

If this isn't enough, they also stress that you won't have to know HTML or any other "techie" backgrounds in order to make this work. Plus you can rest assured that there isn't any shady trickery going on and that this is completely legal.

Our Overall Analysis

Even though the 30 Minute Backlinks SEO Marketing Course has an upfront cost, it teaches how to get traffic to your website for free. We know hundreds, even thousands, possibly millions of people who are out there everyday looking around for free stuff. Michelle MacPhearson seems to have given this a lot of thought and has taken the time to make it easy for you. You'll have to read the sales page for yourself to really understand what me mean. If this is what you've been looking for, then good luck.

About the Author: Let Internet Marketing Review Kings Brian Garvin and Jeff West teach you more about SEO Marketing and 30 Minute Backlinks. Feel free to use this article but please leave all links and author bio intact.

Source: www.isnare.com
Permanent Link: https://www.isnare.com/?aid=312621&ca=Business

SEO Certifications & Courses - SEO For Beginners

Welcome to fascinating world of SEO Certifications. Haha, just kidding. This is just a simple list of all the best certifications and courses you can take on SEO. Most of them are for beginners, and all of them are pretty awesome with pretty good reviews. I try to keep this page updated at all times, so shoot me tweet if you think any of these really suck. You’ll also notice that some of them are free and some are paid. Maybe start with a free one, then try a paid one. Whatever floats your boat...
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